Malvern Hills with mist

The Malverns Green Tourism Toolkit

Learn how to green your tourism business with our top tips in our green tourism toolkit and then take the Green Tourism test to see how well your tourism business ranks and learn about what new measures you can adopt.

Amongst your first steps, will be to write a plan stating your commitment in reducing your businesses impact on the environment and also identify the activities you would like to take and also how you intend to monitor.

Please see our Top Tips below for examples of what activities you can undertake. Many of the activities will not only help the environment but they will also help save you money.


  1. Ensure thermostats are set appropriate temperature – Adjusting your heating by one degree can bring significant annual savings.
  2. Don’t heat your hot water excessively – the optimum temperature for stored hot water is 60°C or just above.
  3. Install thermostatic radiator valves.
  4. Adjust your thermostat timing to coincide with your opening hours.
  5. Draught strip windows and doors to reduce heat loss.
  6. Reduce overnight heat loss by closing window. curtains/blinds before you leave.
  7. Install shades/blinds on south-facing windows to reduce temperatures in summer and lower need to air conditioning and fans.
  8. Change lighting to LED and use motion sensors.
  9. Install a smart energy meter to monitor usage.
  10. Use a green energy supplier.
  11. Undertake an insulation audit and address issues (pipes, radiators, windows, water tanks etc.)
  12. Install low energy hand dryers.
  13. Create your own energy – wind, solar, biomass etc.
  14. Clean your fridge coils and seals regularly.
  15. Turn off computers, monitors, printers, tv’s when not in use and overnight – use energy saving settings where available.


  1. Carry out a flow rate assessment of taps and showers.
  2. Introduce a one-flush policy for cleaners.
  3. Ensure toilets have a dual-flush system.
  4. Collect and use rain water for gardening and landscape purposes.
  5. Minimise water usage for house-keeping operations.
  6. Setting washing machines to 30 or even 20 degrees.


Waste & Purchasing

  1. Undertake a waste audit – reduce unnecessary or wasteful purchasing.
  2. Purchase sustainable products from eco-conscious businesses.
  3. When it’s time to replace appliances/equipment, choose the most energy efficient models you can afford.
  4. Eliminate single-use plastic and plastic bags.
  5. Go paperless.
  6. Sign up to the Commercial Waste Recycling services at Malvern Hills District Council.
  7. Source food/drink and arts/crafts locally to reduce food miles and to support the local economy.
  8. Participate or start your own litter picking scheme.

Carbon Footprint

  1. Measure your carbon footprint and understand your environmental impact – see the Carbon Trust’s SME Carbon Footprint Calculator.
  2. Declare your ambition to become more sustainable.
  3. Identify a team or person to champion sustainability in the business.


  1. Provide bike facilities for staff and visitors – bike parking, storage, showers etc.
  2. Sign up to a bike to work scheme.
  3. Install electric car charging points.
  4. When its time to replace vehicles choose electric.
  5. Organise carpooling/lift-share amongst staff.
  6. Offer bike hire for staff/visitors including using bikes for business travel/deliveries.

Natural Environment

  1. Create a space for nature – no matter what size. Set aside an area of lawn, patio, part of a border, or even a large container for wildlife. Let a patch of grass grow wild, plant wildflowers or create a pond.
  2. Donate to organisations like the Malvern Hills Trust and Worcestershire Wildlife Trust which are actively conserving the district’s landscape. You could also consider promoting them to your visitors to encourage them to make a donation.


  1. Employ local people and offer upskilling /apprentice opportunities.
  2. Promote other tourism businesses to encourage longer stays.
  3. Donate to local charitable organisations.
  4. Promote local artists and craft-makers.

Sustainable Tourism Grants

Tourism businesses from across the Malvern Hills district can access grants to help adopt greener practices.

Malvern Hills District Council will provide 50% match funding for projects which cost a maximum of £5,000 (£2,500 grant). Advice will be given for how to access other grants for projects costing over £2,500.