St Michaels Singers and All That Jazz

White musical notes on a black background

St Michaels Village hall transforms into a Jazz Club for the evening. Come along for this informal evening of jazz, blues and swing with a light dinner included in the…

Music for a Summer’s Eve

White musical notes on a black background

West Midlands Bell Ensemble with Priory Friends present Music for a Summer’s Eve Tickets: £9 Buy from the Priory office, shop and on the door In aid of the Great…

Songs for a Summer’s Evening

White musical notes on a black background

Nonsuch Singers present Songs for a Summer’s Evening “One of London’s best chamber choirs” Tom Bullard – conductor Programme: Claude Debussy – Trois Chansons de Charles d’Orleans Benjamin Britten –…

Midsummer Malvern 2023 Programme

Colourful painting by Kate Wrigglesworth depicting the Priory, building in Great Malvern and Elgar statue.

Midsummer Malvern is Malvern Civic Societies annual celebration of Malverns rich history and culture with events running from 24 June to 1 July…

Remi Harris Gypsy Jazz Project

Acclaimed guitarist Remi Harris will be joined by double bassist Tom Moore and rhythm guitarist Chris Nesbitt for an evening of Django Reinhardt-inspired Gypsy Jazz. The show will feature a…

French Connections – Free Lunchtime Concert

Musicians playing cellos

Local musicians Corinne Frost (cello) and Janine Parsons (piano) will be giving a free concert entitled ‘French Connections’ on 27 July 2023 at 12.30pm. Join other concert-goers for a free…