Worcestershire Living History Show

English civil war reenactors

Family friendly re-enactment weekend action packed with battles, displays and history by Worcester Re-enactors The Worcestershire Living History Show is an action-packed multi-period re-enactment weekend where you can meet soldiers…

Croome Airfield Walk


Learn about the secret airbase that put Radar into aircraft during the Second World War. Led by an RAF Defford Museum Volunteer telling stories of the various sites around the…

Croome Airfield Walk


Learn about the secret airbase that put Radar into aircraft during the Second World War. Led by an RAF Defford Museum Volunteer telling stories of the various sites around the…

A Brief History of Malvern Water

Holy Well Exterior

At over 200 sites across the Malvern Hills spring water emerges from fissures in the very hard Precambrian rock that formed them millions of years ago…